02 October 2018

‘Eleftho” Team is in the proud state to announce that a groundbreaking treatment for the Northern Aegean region can now take place in our establishment. In concerns angiodisplasias within the lumen of the bowel that can appear as a congenital or as an acquired problem. In our first case we treated a patient who developed this problem after receiving radiotherapy for prostatic cancer.

Dr PANTELAROS Nikolaos, Gastroenterologist and the responsible doctor explains that the procedure consists of a basic colonoscopy. During this procedure and with the help of special probes, we manage to create Argon Gas Plasma. This manages to coagulate the dysplastic vessels without putting in danger the bowels patency and limits the depth of any burns provoked. This technique could also be used in other hemorrhagic gastrointestinal problems such as Ulcers in stomach and the duodenum or Barret’s esophagus.      
